News Archive
02 November 2022: BRAD DE LOSA – 2022 STIHL WORLD CHAMPION . On the 29 and 30 October, NSW axeman Brad De Losa was centre stage in Gothenburg, Sweden, winning two gold medals for Australia. On day one Brad was a member of the Australian ‘Chopperoos’ – who made it a three-peat, defending their title by defeating the USA in the final and being named the Stihl Timbersports® Teams World Champions for 2022. Day two saw Brad compete in the Stihl Timbersports® Individual World Championships. With numerous competitors producing personal bests, including a spectacular World Record, the trophy could have been anyone’s for the taking. In the end it was three clean cookies in a PB time of 5.59 that secured Brad the title. Second went to Matt Cogar (USA) and third Marcel Dupuis (CAN).
20 October 2022: ONE, TWO FOR NSW ON STIHL ROOKIE PODIUM . In September on the Gold Coast, three young NSW axemen tested their mettle at the 2022 Australian Stihl Timbersports® Rookie final against the countries leading U25 year old axemen. Curtis Bennett (SCTAA), Cameron Marsh (CCAA) and Mitch Scrivener (NCAA) competed in five disciplines on the Stihl stage in front of an enthusiastic crowd. Bennett hit the leader board early and while there were a few competitors that threatened, in the end it was his strength and power that secured him the win. Mitch Scrivener, who cut a scorching single buck, finished with the silver ahead of Zac Giouzelis (VIC). Congratulations Curtis, Mitch and Cameron on making the final. Click on the image above or copy the link below, to watch:
01 October 2022: NSW REPRESENTED IN AUSTRALIAN U21S TEAM. At the Royal Adelaide Show held in September this year, two young NSW Axemen were members of the Australian Under 21s Team. Central Coast axeman Jack Waters along with North Coast’s Austin Scrivener were a part of the nine man team that took on New Zealand. In a best of three relay series Australia were too strong for their NZ counterparts winning 3 – 0, though race one could have gone either way with Australia only winning by a few hits. Selected as reserves, both Jack and Austin competed for Australia, Jack cutting a standing block, while Austin pulled a double handed saw in the final race. Well done to both boys and the team.
21 September 2022: SUCCESS AT THE EKKA FOR NSW COMPETITORS. The Ekka proved to be another successful show for NSW axewomen and men, but none more so than the following competitors. Maddie Edwards (pictured with her dad) had an outstanding show, taking out first place in both women’s championship sawing events – the Single Handed and the Jill and Jill Double Handed Sawing, where she teamed up with Queensland’s Anne Patterson. To top off these great results, Maddie was also named ‘Best and Fairest’. Meanwhile Austin Scrivener made it back-to-back ‘Most Successful Competitor’ titles after taking out the win at this year’s Ekka, as well as earlier this year at the Sydney Royal Easter Show.
30 May 2022: PODIUM FINISH FOR BRAD DE LOSA IN VIENNA. While Brad De Losa missed out on competing in the Stihl TIMBERSPORTS® World Trophy final in Vienna on the weekend, he still claimed a spot on the podium. Brad relegated to the small final after being beaten by New Zealand’s Jack Jordan in the semi, claimed bronze when he defeated Poland’s Michael Dubicki. Jack Jordan took his great form into the final, defeating Jason Lentz of the US to claim the 2022 Stihl TIMBERSPORTS® World Trophy. Congratulations also must go to Australia’s Jack Argent (QLD) on winning the Rookie World Championship and Amanda Beams (TAS) for placing second in the Women’s International Cup in Vienna.
27 May 2022: BRAD TAKES ON THE WORLD’S BEST IN VIENNA. Tomorrow NSW axeman Brad De Losa will be mixing it with the best in Vienna. Brad along with champions from across the globe will be competing on Saturday 28 May in the Stihl TIMBERSPORTS® 2022 World Trophy, formerly known as the Champions Trophy. The World Trophy format is part of a three-day celebration of TIMBERSPORTS® in the Austrian capital across the weekend of 27 - 29 May, and includes the Rookie World Championship, the International Women’s Cup and the Austrian Championships. The NSWAA would like to wish Brad all the best, along with Australian Rookie rep Jack Argent (QLD) and Women’s Cup competitor Amanda Beams (TAS) as they vye for their respective international Stihl titles.
29 April 2022: AUSTIN WINS 2022 HANDICAP POINTSCORE. Young NSW axeman, Austin Scrivener, has taken out the annual award for the Most Successful Competitor in Single Handed Handicap events at the 2022 Sydney Royal Easter Show. The 19 year old axeman from the New England Region of NSW and a member of the NCAA, had a great show coming away with numerous places, including first in the the 250mm Standing Block, 275mm Tree Felling and the 275mm Underhand Handicaps. For his efforts RAS General Manager, Mr Murray Wilton, awarded Austin with a winners sash and impressive engraved trophy axe from Engineered for Axemen.
29 April 2022: NORTH COAST WINS NSW INTER-ASSOCIATION RELAY. In the NSW Inter-Association relay, held each year at the Sydney Royal Easter, it was the boys in blue and gold from the North Coast who took out the win for 2022. Members of the winning NCAA team were Lachlan Bryce, Chris Owen, Austin Scrivener, Mitchell Scrivener, Dan Shipman, Peter Shipman and Lachlan Woollard. Results 1. North Coast Axemen’s Association, 2. Central Coast Axemen’s Association, 3. Mid West Axemen’s Association, 4. Metropolitan Axemen’s Association.
26 April 2022: SINGLE SAWING WORLD TITLE FOR BRAD DE LOSA. NSW axemen Brad Delosa walked away from the 2022 Sydney Royal Easter Show making it back-to-back World Titles wins in the Single Handed Sawing. Congratulations Brad and all sawyers who contested the final. 1. Brad Delosa, NSW, 2. Jamie Head, QLD, 3. Jason Wynyard, NZ, 4. Laurence O’Toole, VIC, 5. Robert Dowling, NZ, 6. Kody Steers, TAS, 7. Leon Critchfield, NSW, 8. Daniel Clissold, NSW.
5 April 2022: NSWAA ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. The Federation of NSW Axemen’s Association Inc. Annual General Meeting will be held on Friday 15 April 2022. The AGM will be held at Sydney Showground (meeting room to be advised), Sydney Olympic Park at the conclusion of woodchop events for the day – NSW Association Relay, approx. 6.30pm. This meeting will be followed by a General Meeting. All current financial members of the NSWAA are welcome to attend.
4 April 2022: MILTON WOODCHOP RESCHEDULED FOR 30 APRIL. The South Coast and Tablelands Axemen’s Association (SCTAA) have rescheduled the Milton Woodchop to Saturday 30 April 2022. Originally set down for 5 March, the event was cancelled due to the rain event along the east coast of NSW and Queensland. The program remains unchanged, with great prize money on offer, including $1000 first prize in the Don Baxter Memorial three board tree and $600 first place in the Ken Matthews Auto & Mower Centre 250mm standing block handicap. Entries close before 16 April with Julie Reumer. See our Calendar of Events page to view or download a copy of the program.
4 April 2022: TWO NSW TITLE UP FOR GRABS AT WAUCHOPE. The Pentarch Forestry Wauchope Show Woodchop program now includes two NSW Championship events. On Saturday 23 April the NSW 275mm Standing Block Championship and the NSW 250mm Combination Championship will be contested, along with seven handicap events. To view the program or download a copy visit our Calendar of Events page.Nominations close on Friday 15 April with Kym Rose or Viv Watts.
24 March 2022: TWO AUSTRALIAN AND TWO NSW TITLES AT GRAFTON. If you are looking for a show with plenty of titles on offer, this year you can’t go past Grafton! Grafton Show’s updated program includes two Australian Titles as well as two NSW State Titles, and is sure to entice numerous champion axemen to the north coast of NSW. On Friday 6 May one title will be contested – the Pentarch 375mm Australian Standing Block Championship. Saturday 7 will see three titles up for grabs – the Tombsy’s Timbers Australia Hot Saw Championship will see the boys make some serious noise, followed by the 275mm NSW Standing Block Elimination Championship and the 325mm NSW Underhand Championship.
23 January 2022: BERRY SHOW CANCELLED BUT THE WOODCHOP IS STILL A GO. While the Berry Show Society had to make the difficult decision to cancel their 2002 Show, the Shoalhaven Council have granted the South Coast & Tablelands Axemen’s Association (SC&TAA) permission to run the woodchop on Saturday 29 January. But this will not be without a few minor changes to the program. Unfortunately the Friday portion of the program, three events in total, has been cancelled. Saturday’s events will remain virtually unchanged, with 17 of the 18 classes proceeding. The only casualty on the day will be the Medley Relay which will no longer be contested. Competitors please contact the SC&TAA if you have questions in regards to your entries.
20 December 2021: NSWAA UNDER 21S TEAM ANNOUNCED. Congratulations to the following young NSW axemen for their selection in the NSWAA Under 21’s team that will compete at the 2022 Sydney Royal Easter Show: Cameron Bailey, Harrison Bailey, Lachlan Bryce, Rogan Contardo, Austin O Connor, Wade Reddish, Austin Scrivener and Jack Waters. Team Manager Noel Marsh. Tarlo Odlum and Thomas Perrin have been selected as training partners and will join the team at the Hawkesbury Showground for training sessions. Dates for these sessions are still to be advised. Congratulations boys.
16 December 2021: FLIP IT! CALENDAR OF EVENTS FLIP BOOK NOW AVAILABLE. A flip-book version is now available. Simply go to our Calendar of Events page and click the ‘View as Flip Book’ option. Happy reading.
6 December 2021: COMING SOON TO A MAILBOX NEAR YOU. All financial members of the NSWAA will be receiving a copy of our new, printed Calendar of Events booklet in the mail very soon. Posted today, Volume 72 contains details of over 40 events being held across the state from January thought to June 2022, and includes class details, entry fees, nomination deadlines and event contacts. Volume 72 is also available to view now on our Calendar of Events page.
02 December 2021: A HEARTFELT THANK YOU FROM THE HAYDEN FAMILY. heartfelt thank you from the Hayden Family. On behalf of the family, I’d like to thank the NSWAA for the beautiful flowers that were sent to dad’s memorial service. They were absolutely beautiful and we appreciate your thoughtfulness and consideration during this difficult time. Dad absolutely loved woodchopping and being in the arena with all of his friends. We have lots of fond memories watching dad and it was lovely to see so many axemen at his memorial service. Please feel free to contact us if you ever need assistance. Katrina Dorrough
2 August 2021: ANOTHER AUSSIE ROYAL CANCELLED FOR 2021! SA Health has advised that in light of the increasing transmission of COVID-19 in NSW, VIC and QLD, they have made a determination that mass gathering events in South Australia must be significantly limited in numbers for the foreseeable future. As a result of this advice the Royal Agricultural & Horticultural Society of SA Inc. regrettably advised today that the 2021 Royal Adelaide Show is cancelled. They will now commence the process of refunding all competition entries with an aim to have all processed by the end of September.
29 July 2021: 2021 ROYAL MELBOURNE SHOW CANCELLED. The 2021 Royal Melbourne Show has been cancelled due to the ongoing uncertainty and operational constraints, challenges and risks associated with holding major events with large free roaming crowds during the COVID-19 pandemic. The 2021 Royal Melbourne Show was scheduled to be held over 11 days from Thursday 23 September to Sunday 3 October at Melbourne Showgrounds. To read the full media statement go to
23 July 2021: IT'S FULL STEAM AHEAD ... BUT NOT FOR NSW AXEMEN! Even with the Queensland border closing today at 1.00pm, the RNA have advised that it's still full steam ahead for the 2021 Royal Queensland Show. Despite this recent border closure, entries for the Ekka's woodchop are healthy and all woodchop classes will be going ahead as scheduled. All axemen and women who can no longer attend the Ekka due to the border closures have been asked to contact the RNA at for entry fee refunds.
21 July 2021: WILL BEROWRA BE ONE OF MANY TO CANCEL? Berowra Apex Woodchop Festival has been cancelled and with COVID-19 cases not looking like easing in NSW anytime soon, there may be more organisers having to make a similar call. Last week Tamworth P&A Committee put out a media release outlining the reasons behind the difficult decision to cancel their 2021 Show, which was to be held early September at AELEC. While it's disappointing to see these rural and regional events once again unable to proceed, all are waiting to see what the organisers of Australia's major shows, such as the Ekka, Royal Adelaide and Royal Melbourne Shows, will decide to do.
12 June 2021: ROYAL MELBOURNE ENTRIES CLOSING SOON. Axemen and women who would like to compete at the 2021 Royal Melbourne Show Woodchop Championships have until Monday 21 June to get their entries in. To make the process of arriving and competing easier for entrants, this year’s program has been condensed to an action-packed five-day format, running from Thursday 23 to Monday 27 September. To download a copy of the schedule simply click on the image above, or visit our Calendar of Events page. For more information or to enter online go to
23 April 2021: VIEW ALL WINNERS ON OUR RESULTS PAGE. To view a full list of results from the 2021 Sydney Royal Easter Show Woodchopping and Sawing Competition visit our Results and Titles page. Congratulations to all axemen and women who competed and placed at this event. You can also view previous results from 2018 and 2019, along with a list of all Sydney Royal World Champion axemen from 1938 through to 2021.
22 April 2021: WORLD TITLE FOR BRAD AT THE 2021 SYDNEY ROYAL. Congratulations to NSW axemen Brad De Losa on his World Title win in the 375mm World Championship Single Handed Sawing, contested at the 2021 Sydney Royal Easter Show. With five of 2019's World Title finalists in the line-up, it was destined to be a great race, and the enthusiastic Sydney Royal crowd were not disappointed. While Brad took out the win, Kahu Wooley (SA) and two time World Champion single handed sawyer Robert Dowling (NZ) finished in second and third respectively, with Chris Owen (NSW) fourth. Rounding out the final placings were Jamie Head (QLD) fifth, Brent Smith (NSW) sixth, Leon Critchfield (NSW) seventh and Laurence O'Toole (VIC) in eighth. Congratulations to all sawyers for an impressive and highly contested final. Full results from the 2021 Sydney Royal Easter Show will be posted on the NSWAA website soon.
17 March 2021: ROYAL ADELAIDE SHOW ENTIRES OPEN. Woodchopping entries are now open for the Royal Adelaide Show, being held from Saturday 4 – Sunday 12 September 2021. To view or download a copy of their schedule go to our Calendar of Events page, or visit and search under Competitions > Individual Talents. Entries Close Friday 14 May at 5.00pm.
15 March 2021: EKKA ENTRY CLOSING DATE EXTENDED. The Royal Queensland Show (Ekka) has just announced that they are extending their Woodchopping and Sawing Competition entry deadline to Friday 7 May 2021. Entries were meant to close for the Ekka today, Monday 15 March, but the new deadline gives axemen and women just under eight weeks to get their entries in. While the schedule indicates events that will be held on the first three days of the show, days for all other classes have not been listed. The Ekka will be held from Saturday 7 – Sunday 15 August 2021. To view or download the current schedule go to or visit our Calendar or Events page.
8 March 2021: GLOUCESTER SHOW WOODCHOP CANCELLED. A decision has been made by the Gloucester Show Society to cancel the woodchop scheduled for Saturday 20 March at their 2021 Agricultural Show. All axemen will receive a full refund of nominations paid and the Society apologises for any inconvenience this may cause.
3 March 2021: LESS THAN A MONTH TO THE ROYAL! With less than a month until the Sydney Royal Easter Show, axemen and women are busy in the lead-up, preparing, training and squeezing in as many competitions as possible. There are seven shows remaining on the NSWAA calendar before the Royal kicks off on 1 April. These include Newcastle, Goulburn, Walcha, Moss Vale, Gloucester, Muswellbrook and Yass. All shows have good entries, with Walcha's two day program attracting 56 axemen and women, clearly indicating everyone is keen to get out there and chop. While we aren't sure what a Sydney Royal will be like in a 'COVID world', we do know that we will miss our international friends and those of you from interstate who have chosen not to attend. We wish everyone competing the best of luck and we will endeavour to keep you updated on results on the website and Instagram – @nswaxemens.
24 February 2021: NSWAA ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. The NSWAA Annual General Meeting will be held on Tuesday 6 April 2021 at 6.00pm at the Hub, Sydney Showground, Olympic Park. Please note that if woodchopping and sawing events are still in progress, the meeting will be held at the conclusion of the day's competition. All positions will be declared vacant. All NSWAA financial members are welcome to attend.
1 February 2021: 2021 AUSTRALIAN AXEMEN'S COMMITTEE. With the Australian Axemen's Association's AGM being carried over from 2020 due to COVID-19, the AAA AGM was held on Sunday 31 January. Congratulations to the following people were elected in key committee roles: President – Simon Bennett (NSW), Secretary/Treasurer – Jillian Stratton (QLD), Vice President – Dale Beams (TAS). Junior Vice President – Jamie Head (QLD)
27 January 2021: ENTRIES EXTENDED TO MONDAY 1 FEBRUARY. Entries for the 2021 Sydney Royal Easter Show Woodchopping and Sawing competition close this Friday, 29 January. Go to to enter. While numerous country shows for 2021 have already been cancelled around the state, all reports indicate that the RAS are proceeding with plans for the 2021 Sydney Royal to go ahead. Undoubtedly the Show would not be able to proceed without COVID Safe restrictions in place for competitors, officials and spectators. The NSWAA are currently unaware of what these restrictions will entail.
25 January 2021: U21'S TEAM TRAINING DAY DATE CONFIRMED. NSWAA would like to advise that with the cancellation of Maitland Show, our Under 21's Team training day has been confirmed as Saturday 20 February 2021. Members of the squad are asked to be at Hawkesbury Showground for a 10.00am start. A BBQ lunch will be provided.
20 January2021: AAA ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 31 JANUARY. NSWAA delegates Don Brown and Chris Smith will be attending the upcoming Australian Axemen's Association AGM on 31 January, representing all axemen and women in NSW. Agenda items are available for all financial NSWAA members to view, as well as a form for the nomination of Executive roles on the AAA committee. Please contact your area association or the NSWAA to obtain a copy of these documents.
13 January 2021: SYDNEY ROYAL U21'S TEAM ANNOUNCED. Congratulations to the following young NSW axemen who have been selected in the NSW Under 21s team to contest the annual state relay series at the 2021 Sydney Royal Easter Show: Lachlan Bryce, Dustin Hall, Jack Waters, Cameron Bailey and Austin Scrivener – who were selected in the 2020 team – will be joined this year by Harry Bailey, Bowen Contardo, Wade Reddish and Rogan Contardo. Under 21s Team Manager – Noel Marsh
9 January 2021: EXTENDED CLOSING DATE FOR SYDNEY ROYAL. Competitors now have until Friday 29 January 2021 to enter the Sydney Royal Easter Show's Woodchopping and Sawing Competition. The extension of the entry date deadline from Friday 15 January to the 29 January was announced yesterday. The schedule is available to download from our Calendar of Events page or you can go to
29 December 2020: NSWAA MEMBERSHIP SLASHED FOR 2021: Thanks to assistance from the Australian Axemen's Association, the NSWAA have been able to drastically reduce their membership fees for 2021. This decision was made based on the limited number of events members were able to attend in 2020 due to COVID-19. 2021 Membership Fees: Senior competing members – $25.00, Junior and all non-competing members – $10.00. Membership is due 1 January 2021 or prior to your first event for the year. Please contact your Association to organise payment.
29 December 2020: 2021 PROGRAMS WILL BE PUBLISHED ONLINE ONLY. All confirmed event programs for 2021 will be available to view and download on our Calendar of Events page. Notifications of new programs uploaded will be posted on our Instagram feed @nswaxemens. At this stage a Calendar of Events booklet will not be printed. Please assist by making fellow axemen who are not online, or follow social media, aware of any events they may be interested in attending.
16 December 2020: 2021 SYDNEY ROYAL SCHEDULE NOW ONLINE. The 2021 Sydney Royal Easter Show Woodchopping and Sawing Competition schedule is now available to view and download at Entries are open and will close on Friday 15 January 2021.
13 December 2020: ENTRIES OPEN THIS WEEK FOR THE 2021 SYDNEY ROYAL EASTER SHOW. The NSWAA have been advised that entries will be opening on Wednesday 16 December for next year's Sydney Royal. To enter, or for more information on the 2021 Woodchopping and Sawing Competitions at the show, go to
9 November 2020​: TRAINING DAYS GET THE GREEN LIGHT. Now NSWAA have a COVID-19 Risk Management Plan in place, Associations can resume Training Days. NSWAA asks that all Training Day organisers familiarise themselves with the Plan, ensuring that their day follows all required protocols and does not breach any NSW Government heath restrictions. Organisers are also advised to have a copy of the Plan with them on the day. Happy training all!
8 November 2020: A PLAN TO HELP US MOVE FORWARD. The NSWAA have released a COVID-19 Risk Management Plan. This plan will assist event organisers to ensure all future registered competitions, events and training days comply with COVID-19 safety requirements. The main objective of the Plan is the safety of our members, event organisers, officials, volunteers and the wider community. View or download a copy of this plan from our COVID-19 page.
1 September 2020​: CANCELLED FOR THE REMAINDER OF 2020. A decision was made by the NSWAA Committee to cancel all woodchop and sawing competitions in the state for the remainder of 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Whilst the decision was not an easy one for the committee, they felt it was in the best interest of members and spectators. All NSW Associations and members will be advised in regards to a date for the recommencement of carnivals and events.
29 July 2020​: NSWAA AGM CANCELLED. Please be advised that the NSWAA Annual General Meeting set down for Sunday 2 August 2020 has been cancelled. Due to the increased cases of COVID-19, the committee feels that this decision is in the best interest of its members.
9 April 2020: CONGRATULATIONS BLAKE. Congratulations to the NSWAA's 'Champion of Champions' for 2019 – 2020, Central Coast Axeman, Blake Marsh. Blake finished less than two points ahead of Mid West axeman Brad Delosa.
4 April 2020: SOCIAL MEDIA REMINDER. While the world is busy 'self isolating' and everyone is spending more time online, the NSWAA would like to remind all members to be mindful of what you are 'posting, sharing or liking' on social media. The Australian Axemen's Association and the NSWAA's Code of Conduct states that all persons should be treated with respect, dignity and proper regard. As a member of the NSWAA you are obligated to abide by these rules, and if you choose to disregard them you must be prepared to be accountable.